EPP код от домена

EPP код домена по кнопке.
Далее жмем Protection against domain name transfer.

Если все ок будет то: Domain protection will be disabled. The transfer code will be available in a few minutes.
На почту придет:
Dear Customer,
Your domain lviv.one in no longer protected against theft and may be transferred to another registrar. The domain will be blocked again in 7 days.
You'll find your transfer code (authInfo) in the Manager at:
Domain & DNS -> Summary
or at the link:
To manage your domain, login to the Manager and go to:
Domain & DNS
or follow the link:
What is a domain theft?
Every registrar allows a domain transfer to another registrar. The transfer is a process that requires many security steps. The registrar that requests the transfer takes responsibility for it. They must check whether the transfer has been authorised by the domain contacts (Owner Nic and Admin Nic). The registrar from which the domain is being transferred may not check the transfer authorisation. Once the process has been started it may be completed successfully (for example if you are on holidays and you cannot stop it).
What is a domain protection?
To protect a domain against theft, you must set the domain status to locked, then any transfer attempts will not succeed. If the other registrar requests the transfer, the request will be immediately rejected. If you'd like to move your domain to another registrar first you need to remove the protection and unlock your domain. When the domain is unlocked, the other registrar may request the transfer.
AUTH/INFO кнопка для пароля домена.

Идеальный сервис для доменов на данное время для меня. Все автоматически.
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